Monday 22 June 2015

Are you true towards your health policy?

Due to increasing medical costs, complex treatment procedures and growing risk for healthy life due to rising pollution, extreme weather conditions etc. it has become imperative to buy a suitable health insurance plan to secure your present and future health issues. Although it has become a necessity most of the time adequate care is not taken while purchasing a health policy in India. At times, insurance claims get disapproved because the insured person fails to offer all necessary details, many a times due to ignorance or at times purposely because of the fear that it might be rejected by the company for them.

Let’s understand that insurance business is based on the principles of utmost faith between the purchasing party and the insurance company. It means if person is applying for a health insurance policy, then he or she is required to mention all his or her occupation and lifestyle related information as well as any health issues you and your family members may have suffered. Many times people hide various addictions or hereditary disease due to embarrassment but it’s totally wrong. The more transparent you stay in this sector the better coverage you’ll be given on your health.

While purchasing an insurance coverage just understanding the clauses mentioned in a plan are not enough, you also have to know its span of coverage. Always fill the application form by yourself instead of telling your insurance agent, this will help you understand the minute details, clauses, coverages, policy structure, fees and charges associated to it.
Insurance is after all a commitment between the purchasing party and the company, so just signing and sitting back won’t be sufficient. Understand that once you sign the form means you declaring that you’ll abide the rules and agreed with all the clauses. So, it becomes very important that you read the documents calmly and carefully.

Your information and declaration are basis on which the health insurance companies will customize your health plan, evaluate risks and estimate the premium to insure that risk. At the time of claims, insurance companies in India checks the authenticity of these declarations.

 Health Insurance

The article takes you through some important information that must be mentioned in the application to avoid claim rejection:

Personal Health
Addictive substances like alcohol and tobacco affect health adversely. If you ever have such kinds of addiction share it immediately with the company. The premium amount, plan and extension call will be based on frequency, consumption type, the duration for which person has been addicted and the quantity consumed.

Medical History
If you have gone through any kind of operation or treatment give proper information in your application form.

Family History
Customers should know that medical history of you and your family is taken into consideration by the insurer while giving coverage to them. Some serious illness of any immediate family member could make insurer wary the policy plan which might be a hereditary disorder. And if come to known later then there are chances that they might not be taken care off.

One of the most important factors to determine the health insurance policy is occupational risk. Where you work, what kind of shift pattern, what kind of work everything helps insurers to evaluate risk of accident and wellness. People who are doing sedentary jobs very much open to cardiovascular diseases. Work nature therefore becomes important for assessment of risk in health insurance sector.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this useful information. It is actually a helpful post for the people who are looking for genuine health insurance company. It is always a great idea to research about the company and the services that they offer.
