Thursday 30 July 2015

Let’s go to shop your car insurance policy?

With more and more car insurance providers offering online quotes and sign-ups, switching policies is now easier than ever before. With the advent of internet people can now buy car insurance in a quick and a hassle free way from the place of their choice and at the convenience of their time. However, with multiple options available for car insurance in India, buying the right insurance policy is no less than a challenge now. Therefore, before purchasing a motor insurance, it is very important to do a significant amount of research. Nevertheless, even to carry out such a research you should know what things you need to look for. The article will guide you through some things to be considered while shopping for your car policy: 

Hidden Discounts
Often pooling your car, paying your insurance bill annually, automatic bill pay etc. can provide you with significant savings. Many companies offer substantial discounts for drivers who complete a defensive driving course, or who can show proof that they've taken a course through another provider or the workplace recently. The best ways to learn about potential discounts are to check the company's website or ask an insurance agent.

Most insurance providers offer discounts to customers who buy more than one policy from them. Keeping one payment billing, a combined deductible and one person to answer all insurance questions will just seem to make your car insurance procedure simpler and sorted out.

Match Services
Before switching insurance providers, contact your current insurer for a policy review, and explain that you're considering moving elsewhere for a policy with lower premiums. Sometimes an agent offers a better rate almost immediately to retain its valued customer, especially if they know you’re about to walk. But a policy is more than just its premiums. They offer discounted rates for recurring customers or may be loyalty perks. If an agent can't match premiums, they might be able to add features to the existing policy.
 Car Insurance

When to Change
Some insurers charge a fee for breaking a policy mid-term. So, unless the savings from the new policy are significant to move on, it's best to wait until several weeks before your policy is up for review and renewal. If you decide to switch, allow enough time for the new policy to take effect, and then cancel the existing policy before its automatic renewal.
Policy awareness
To avoid having to switch again in six months or a year, customers should ask their new provider, either in person, via an online chat, or over the phone, to go through the policy structure step by step. Learn now the terms and conditions carefully else we are sure you don't want to learn after an accident that something you thought was covered isn't.

After accident services
It's easy to view car insurance as simply a line item on a budget until you need to collect. How quickly and how well the car is repaired, the deductibles after an accident are important factors to consider before buying any insurance policy.

Well, technically speak it’s impossible to truly gauge the value of any insurance product until making a claim on it. Only then will those discounted premiums will prove to have been either an excellent investment or just avoidable mistakes.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blog on car insurance but can u explain me ho can i buy the online car insurance.
